
The big picture: how and where do we invest now to ensure infrastructure delivers a safe, liveable Ireland for all?

Delivery of NDP projects have been adversely impacted over the past 3 years as a result of pauses due to the pandemic, the inflationary impacts from both COVID and the war in Ukraine and the follow-on impacts on the supply chain. 

The highs and lows of the global economy have created a new set of challenges and opportunities for the delivery of infrastructure.

With infrastructure projects remaining key to economic recovery and growth, it is critical that delivery is prioritised whilst value for money is achieved. So where are we now in terms of delivery? 

This panel will discuss: 

  • The impact of rising interest rates and inflationary costs have on infrastructure investment and delivery
  • How can industry, investors and government work together to ensure optimum delivery outcomes?
  • What are the key roadblocks for effective delivery and how can we overcome these?
  • How can we ensure the NDP delivery aligns to regional development objectives and what areas of infrastructure are a priority to ensure regional economic benefit? 
Project Manager (Digiwest) & Policy Analyst, Western Development Commission
Director of Infrastructure Delivery, Uisce Éireann
External Member, Project Ireland 2040 Delivery Board, Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform

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